Hello lovelies... lately I've been working on some adorable wood blocks. I haven't done these in a while but I just love to work on raw wood! Whimsical little paintings on wood. They're so cute to just put on a bookshelf or table.. And I just love the clean vintage feel of the wood. Hope you like... now on Etsy

Monday, November 30, 2020
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Hi Welcome to my blog. I haven't posted in a long time just cause life gets in the way. Today however, I decided to close down my website.. its such a huge expense and I can just post here and its a little more personal. I love connecting with people and even though I can do that on my website, its less specific and personal, so here's where i'll be from now on and you can comment on anything you like or just watch what I'm up to if you like.
I also decided I'll do a few little instructive lessons on art. please follow me, I promise I'll keep up posting new work and new adventures. where I'll be this coming year.. if anywhere, doing shows has been cray cray.. but then what hasn't, this year? right!! Oh, I cant wait until life gets back to normal; hopefully, and I'm praying, things will just get normal again!! Right now I have plans to do a show in West Palm Beach, Fl- Rosemary Square on December 5-6, if you're nearby, please stop and just say hi. I won't be doing any shows after that but In January, I will be back, hopefully, doing all the regular shows and cross your fingers, nothing will be cancelled. If you would like to know where I'll be in the future, please go here to see all the shows..artfestival.com. I will most likely be participating in all the ones in red letters. Meanwhile, I have an online virtual artshow going on at The artful elf , where I've got some adorable Christmas ornaments I've created. This will be my 4th year creating these and I just love doing it! Come by and take a peek. I've also got just a few art prints that are ready for shipping for the holiday season! I also have my Etsy shop, Where from now on you'll be able to purchase directly, everything including available originals. So now I'll leave you with a pic of how I see myself...just dancing around and enjoying the last little bit of this crazy year.. Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving!! Bye 2020!!